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  • SC095 Kanamycin Erythromycin Lincomycin Rapid Test Kit for milk  - 副本
  • SC095 Kanamycin Erythromycin Lincomycin Rapid Test Kit for milk  - 副本
SC095 Kanamycin Erythromycin Lincomycin Rapid Test Kit for milk  - 副本SC095 Kanamycin Erythromycin Lincomycin Rapid Test Kit for milk  - 副本

SC095 Kanamycin Erythromycin Lincomycin Rapid Test Kit for milk - 副本

  • Product Item : SC095
  • Category: 3 in 1 Test Kit
  • Detection Time:10min(5min+5min)
  • Detection Limit:5-20ppb
  • Detection Temp:35℃
  • Shelf Life:1 year

Kanamycin Erythromycin Lincomycin Rapid Test Kit for milk


The DairyPal® KEL is competitive test involving three receptors in one single operation, the Kanamycin and Erythromycin and Lincomycin in the milk sample compete for the antibody with the antigen coated on the membrane of the test dipstick. Then after a color reaction, when the sample is free of the analytes, a strong colour density development occurs at the specific capture lines, indicating the presence of the concerned analytes in the milk sample. On the contrary, the presence of the analytes in the sample will not cause the strong coloured signal at the specific capture lines.


The DairyPal® KEL is a rapid test that detect simultaneously the presence of the Kanamycin and Erythromycin and Lincomycin molecules in raw cow milk, Pasteurized milk, UHT milk sample.


Kanamycin: 5 μg/L(ppb)

Erythromycin: 5 μg/L(ppb)

Lincomycin: 20 μg/L(ppb)


l 12 tubes each with 1 strip of 8 reagent microwells and 8 dipsticks.

l 1 Microwell holder

l 1 Kit insert

l 100pcs Disposable plastic pipette,


l DairyPal® Dry incubator(Model: Mini-B)

l DairyPal® Dipstick Reader (Model: TSR-100A, OPTIONAL)


1. Read the instruction attentively, choose a clean and dry place to perform the test, wash and dry your hands before starting.

2. Take the kit out of the fridge and wait until the temperature of the reagents reaches the ambient temperature.

3. Calculate how many milk sample will be tested and mark the sample tubes to identify. The milk samples should be fully liquid without any clots or deposition, the ideal temperature of milk sample is between 4 to 20.

4. Take the tubes required from the kit package, take out as many micro-wells and dipsticks as the milk samples to be tested, and make proper marks to match the milk sample.

l To open a dipsticks tube, press the safety ring down, take off the ring and get the tube cap off with your thumb.

l Recover the cap tightly after taking out the required micro-wells and dipsticks.

l Empty one test tube then open another one.

l Keep the unused micro-well caps tightly sealed. Do NOT tear off the strip of 8 microwell caps.

l Use the exposed dipsticks in 1 hour.

5. Preheat the Dry Incubator(suggest to use DairyPal® Mini-B Dry Incubator) to 35.

6. Place the required numbers of the mircrowells in the dry incubator, transfer 200ul of the milk samples into the microwells, inject and reject the milk sample for 5 times consecutively to homogenize the lyophilized reagent and milk sample.

l Dip the end of the plastic pipette(DairyPal® Mini pipette) tips into the milk and slowly releases the sucker. When the sucker is back into its initial position, transfer the 200µl of milk into the reagents, by slowly pushing the sucker down to the bottom.

7. Start the timer to incubate for 5 minutes at 35;

l During the incubation, The receptors will detect the presence of the antibiotics in the milk sample. The reaction will take 5 minutes.

8. Dip the dipsticks into the micro-wells with the "Sample End" down side to the bottom.

9. Start the timer to incubate for 5 minutes at 35 again.

10. Then take out the dipsticks and place them laterally in a dry clean place, peel off the sample pad, interpret the result.

l Use a clean nipper(or new pipette tip) to scrape gently and slowly the sample pad.

l The peeling off of the sample pad will stop the ongoing reaction of the receptors.

l File the used sample pad peeled off dipsticks if necessary.


The dipsticks are embodied with 4 lines, Control line, Kanamycin line, Erythromycin line and Lincomycin line, which are briefly expressed as “CTL”, “K,E and “L”. The test results will be determined by the color density of the lines. The following diagram describes the result identification.

l NEGATIVE: Line CTL is visible, Line K, Line E and Line L are all stronger than or equal to Line CTL, which means that, the milk sample contains fewer Kanamycin, Erythromycin and Lincomycin than value given in the table.

l Kanamycin POSITIVE: Line CTL is visible, Line K is weaker than Line CTL, Line E and Line L both are stronger than Line CTL, which means that the milk sample contains the Kanamycin more than the value in the table, the Erythromycin and Lincomycin fewer that the value in the table.

l Erythromycin POSITIVE: Line CTL is Visible, Line E is weaker than Line CTL, Line K and Line L both are stronger than Line CTL; which means that the milk sample contains the Erythromycin more than the value in the table, the Kanamycin and Lincomycin fewer that the value in the table.

l Lincomycin POSITIVE: Line CTL is Visible, Line L is weaker than Line CTL, Line K and Line E both are stronger than Line CTL; which means that the milk sample contains the Lincomycin more than the value in the table, the Kanamycin and Erythromycin fewer that the value in the table.

l FULL POSITIVE: Line CTL is visible; either Line K, Line E or Line L is weaker than Line CTL; which means that, the milk sample contains the the Kanamycin, Erythromycin and Lincomycin all more than the value in the table.

Remarks: Control line is used as a quality indicator, which will always appear regardless of the line K/E/L. If Control line does NOT appear, it indicates that the result is invalid. Users please check the kit insert again and re-do the assay with new test dipsticks.